Freelancing without Chamber of Commerce number

Do you want to work as a freelancer, but do you think it is a very big step to register with the Chamber of Commerce? See below what you can do to get started as a freelancer!

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Freelancing with a VAT ID

Without an official registration in the trade register, you can get started as a freelancer with a VAT ID. You can request this from the Tax Authorities, free of charge! It takes about two weeks before you receive it, so request it on time! You know what's also a nice bonus? You can start from the age of 16!

The fine print

There are limitations to a VAT ID. You cannot do unlimited freelancing without a Chamber of Commerce registration. The limit to which you can earn tax-free is now € 8,520. This is in any case in 2023. This is because you receive a general tax credit and a small amount of employed person's tax credit.

Follow these steps:

    Go to the website of Download the form 'Statement of a starting company' in PDF format. Fill in all the information on the form. Print out the form and send it to: Belastingdienst Postbus 2891 6401 DJ HeerlenKeep an eye on your mailbox. Within 5 working days you will receive a message about the taxes that you will have to deal with as a freelancer.

15€/ per hour

choose your own services

paid within 10 days

exhibition center the RAI, Amsterdam

transport costs are reimbursed

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